Thursday 14 August 2014

Main chick chronicle!!!

Yeah, I know…. Some of you are probably yawning swallowing whales and shaking heads. This is by far the most difficult subject I had to touch on in my life (Relationships), probably because I haven’t been in all sorts of relationships and I wouldn't know all about the ins, outs and breakthroughs.

There are a lot of relationships in this globe but I’m going to touch base on the major, the one we would always obviously want to hear about. I’m not going to turn myself into a professor, relationship expert or a theorist but I’m going to refer my summary based on my experiences, my circle and and…. Well lets get to this already lol.
First up, the most annoying, most talked about relationship, the “I’m the main chick” one. My word can somebody please further elaborate these “main chick” words to me, because clearly it seems like I've been living in another world (Not really, I just hate that title). The way I understand it (according to my ‘circle’) a main chick is someone that is introduced to the family and friends right? The one that is catered to financially, lives with the dude, more often than not;is seen with the guy publicly, everyone knows about her and is allowed to post on a guys Facebook page and be able to change relationship statuses right? Mhmmmmmm, Interesting!!!

Isn't it sick that the main chick has to go through all the trouble, the heartache and allllllll the drama to be able to maintain and keep the "main chick" title? I think its twisted really. I'm not not dissing on any girl that is self measured by that title, I'm just a concerned blogger that is trying to figure out what is it that is so fascinating about being put on the "hot spot". I'm trying here OK!! :v

"Main chicks" are easy to  piss off and are also easy to wipe off. The Main chick chronicle is so deep that the female spouse is automatically expected to forgive everything (the worst) a guy does. "Mani chicks" are probably the ones that increase the statistics on HIV/AIDS (JK) LOL!! But seriously though, I'm convinced that they are easy! 

I did mention Facebook pages and relationship statuses right? well... I believe a guy can still cheat despite all of that publicity a girl is showering all over social networks. In fact, it pushes all the other girls (thirsty home-wreckers) to need to WANT your guy boo, just to piss you off. I love how the main chick would do all that, while the guy isn't even replying but tapping other a$%e$ on the side. For those that co-operate on social sites with the main-chick, those are obviously the ones that found themselves the "I'm willing to play" type of girls. Life is a bishhhh huh? Hahahahaha

There would be things said by the main chick like "Hamba uzo buya" meaning "go, you'll come back" (excuse my direct translation). Who in the freakedell invented that quote?? So basically a women would rather standby and wait for the guy with open arms after they been trippin'around? Oh my word I cant even go on hahahaha I sound like a girl that has been through a lot. LOL

Stay in touch for more babies. Its gonna get more and more interesting!! 

Get in the mind of an aspiring feature journalist and feel completely free to voice your opinions on my Facebook or twitter page.



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