Sunday 24 August 2014

Easy Wear

#MyShoes_YouBetterRecognise :v #Saxone #Vintage

Pinks and peaches are my new favourite colours.  Neutral colours are the bomb, perfect for any type of weather if you not very fond of your blacks and browns.  I seldom come across people with nude and neutral colours during this time of the year because people have mindset of the slowest snail in earth.


Familiarise yourself with bright colours and stand out, be THAT sparkle people need from all the darkness in winter.

#BoyfriendJeans are so classy, funky ' cause honestly you can rock them anywhere, anywhere and anytime.

You can throw heels on
 this look and go for a night out and still look classy. Throw your sandles or a pair of pumps for a date inbthe afternoon or what ever. Smart thinng about this look is that you can do anything with it really IF YOU'RE fashion high.  If you not, ask a friend im sure they can figure something out for you ;)




#Eyeliner #Lipstick and you're good to go. Dont try too hard, blush will never work if you have a mind of a dumpster. Stick to the basics and lorrrd you gone have you a tiiiiime (Not at Christmas). If you gonna use blush choose the right colour and go easy widdit ayt.



Mature Look.

                 #Smile #Heels&Trash and  complete the word #Elegance ♡♥♡♥♡


Saturday 16 August 2014


#SexyBodyMissioms #GymFanatic #CrazyAboutHealth #ResultsAreGood #StayFlexible #HealthyLifestyles #FitnessIsAllWeKnow #HyperbolicMass

Thursday 14 August 2014

Girl Next Door look

I live to be funky

I love comfort, whether I'm showing a bit of skin or not, the comfort zone is where every girl wants to be in. This is a look that will take you out on dates, for a jol, parks and in and around town in the afternoon.

#BootyShorts #Sneakers #FavouriteWhiteTee #TheShadeBizniZZ #BraidedHairDonCurrr #Summer



Fanie Fourie lobola Movie Review

Fanie Fourie lobola 

When two people from completely different cultures fall in love, it isn’t expected to be roses and paddles. Misunderstandings and cultural barriers and clashes are expected, but those when these people come from South Africa, one of the most divided and diverse countries on the planet, be assured that disaster and hilarity will ensue.

Fanie Fourie is a 2013 South African romantic comedy based on a novel (of the same name) by Nape a Montana. The film Features a culturally diverse cast of actors as well as a production team. The main focus of the film is cross cultural relationships and challenges associated with such relationships.  Nape’a wrote in both English and Sepedi. I believe, while the film is in Zulu, English and Afrikaans (fully subtitled). It begins with a silly dare between brothers, and is an honest and positive story reflecting accurate and nuanced complex relationships between black and white in South Africa. Having said that it is definitely a romantic comedy because it makes you laugh and cry.

The situations are true-to-life, many of these attitudes –especially of the older people are very recognisable and you end uprooting for the hero and heroine in a big way.
The movie is a lovely metaphor for a changing South Africa and if people are still living by the apartheid mind-set, I doubt they would the movie interesting or relevant to them. This film like stated above is a movie about interracial couple who want to get married. Fanie is the Afrikaner guy who’s fallen in love with Dinky, a Zulu. Nowadays, such a marriage is becoming more and more common in South Africa. Up until about 20 years ago, such a marriage was illegal and might have sent the couple to prison. But now, the country is enjoying a certain level of acceptance for such relationships though the cultural differences are massive and go far beyond colour. He speaks afrikaansa variant of Dutch that is been spoke by white settlers since the 17th century. She speaks IsiZulu. The film is in both languages including English. In fact, South Africa has 11 different official languages that is why the movie is subtitled and the differences are greater yet which you’ll discover when you see the film.

While Fanie and Dinky’s families are having a hard time accepting this marriage, there so is a cultural problem Fanie didn’t anticipate, the lobola. This is a dowry that the groom must pay the bride’s father in order to get his permission to marry his daughter. In the film, Dinky said this felt like Fanie had to buy her but her father insists on doing things the old fashioned way. Not that the African tradition of the brides price is attacked in the movie. Dinky herself gets to point out to her father why it feels demanding to be treated like a chattel being transferred from one owner to another, but the overall perspective of the movie is studiedly neutral. It has to be: the two cultural clashes must be treated even-handily, with each given the space to express itself. Thus Faniea mother (Marga van Rooy) is also able to express her tradition, which means white Afrikaner objection to miscegenation, and its not labelled as outright racism any more than Dinkys dads views are shown to be oppressively patriarchal sexism.

There is one problem with the Lobola, however Fanie is a struggling artist and like most struggling artist, he is poor, And, a slick and handsome black man, Mandla has already offered the lobola for Dinky’s hand and he’s quiet wealthy.   What is the very nice but somewhat nerdy Fanie to do?How can he provide for the lobola and get the woman of his dreams?

When you watch the movie you learn that there are a few benefits out of an interracial relationship and there are as follows:
> You get tolerant about another culture or religion while you teach the opposite race your religion.
> You get exposed to new ways of thinking as to being stereotyped.
> You incorporate aspects of the culture/race/religion into your daily life.
>Become stronger in what you believe.
> Having an incredible experience with someone you love and respect.
> Possibly learning a new language.
> Being exposed to another country and learning about it.
>By example teaching others around you that the relationship is like any other, with challenges but worth it. A and that if you care what other people have to say about your relationship and you stand by what you believe you can make it through and continue to be a happe interracial couple.

My point is the advantage of dating someone is actually experiencing possibly good, loving and compassionate relationship, where you can grow with another person. Regardless of the race, if you don’t have that kind of foundation in the marriage or relationship or even throughout it, then you are seriously going to lose each other,.
Fanie Fouries Loolais a fantastic and painfully honest dissection of South Africa. 

Stereotypes are being examined and blown apart, subcultures are parodied and both Zulu ad Afrikaans cultures are put under the directors’ microscope. Running through the film, the casual yet pervasive white South African culture and the distrust that black South Africans often have for their white counterparts. The discrepancy between the exclusive gated mostly white neighbourhoods and more modest life in the townships will still tackled where relative wealth in the townships will still yield les ostentatious lifestyles than that in the suburbs.

I love that Fanie and Dinky were just normal, down to earth South Africans, that there was nothing special about either of them until they met each other.  Eduan van Jaarsveld and Zethu Dhlomo are superb in their roles as Fanie and Dinky. They out did their interpretation of the interracial marriage and show case are free South Africa that is still undergoing such circumstances.

I would recommend this movie for everyone. Its a must watch!!!



Feature Article


More often than not we come across people that are struggling to find their significant other. It is in our human nature to experience a relationship whether it is on a friendly note or intimacy. We tend to go around wanting to find love or people that we can trust and share special moments with the hope of whatever is going to be built is going to meet the standards we have set for ourselves. It therefore comes to appoint where sometimes we need to accept and look at things on a realist perception.

We get people that have completely given up love and convince themselves that they would never love because they have been hurt or they have experienced a bad relationship. Human repeat the same patterns over and over and we never identify ourselves as the source of those patterns and problems. We spend a lot of times recycling and ignoring the patterns and expand considerable energy trying to prove somebody else is to blame.  

Some people would rather not have friends because of their past friendships and how they fail, and somehow people can’t handle constructive criticism even if it helps them in their future.  They say their friends are inconsiderate and rude. Soulful friend’s help us express our authentic selves and live the authentic life. They also help us discover it because they reflect truth back to us, they hold up a mirror to us that shows us who we truly are and it sucks sometimes that some of us do not realise that but truth is they encourage us to be more that we think we can be.

Relationships are not easy at the best of times, but aspects of modern life seem to make the harder. We want to make love last but the high divorce rate makes us doubtful that we can.  We understand that relationships are about compromising and giving, but how exactly do you square that when we are also supposed to strive as individuals in order to achieve? It can be hard to know where the boundaries lie between putting ‘me ‘or ‘us’ first. In addition, the Morden emphasis on keeping up the appearance of a perfect relationship means that a few people talk about the ups and downs.

My point and my aim on researching of couples an friendships was to go deep in the heart and minds of modern love to provide new template for making relationships work today, not as a ‘how to’ book, but through the voices of as many different people as possible together with the academic research on the psychology and sociology of relationships. I interview a few people in my circle – men and woman, gay and straight, with or without children, married and cohabiting who talked honestly about their experiences.
In a nutshell these are the new relationship commandments that they leave according to:

Ø  A relationship is something that is achieved, it doesn't just happen because we love someone, r because we got lucky and found our ‘soul mate’, which is itself a romantic myth. There are literally hundreds of people out there with whom we could form a lasting partnership. The key to a good relationship lies in taking complete responsibility for it. We need to find ways to bridge the distance between us, with honest communication as well as respect for each other as an individual.
Ø  Have realistic expectation of each other and of what the relationship can offer. The relationship script suggests that there is someone out there who will fulfil all of ur needs but nobody is perfect.
Ø  Fairness matters. That means men doing their fair share of domestic work and being hands on as dads so that woman feels less resentment. Complete equality all of the time is unrealistic, but when couples build a sense of fairness into their partnership, over their finances, the house work, the children as well finding enough time to themselves, they tend to be happier together. They establish foundations in the relationship which are strong enough to see them through the inevitable difficulties we all face from time to time in life.
Ø  Try and recognise ways in which the family you come from influences the family you create. It can affect the way we row about, out expectations of a relationship and the way the behavior is as parents in so many ways.
Ø  Spending quality time with your significant other is most important because there is nothing more frustrating than a busy spouse that has no time for you.
Ø   Seek advice from friends and help from experts at the earliest ages of difficulty. Let
It’s sad that sometimes in a relationship people have to let go. Although it is not easy people also need to know that you have to let go of the past and accept the new reality and have a new beginning.
It would be fair to ask yourself what would happen if you don’t let go. And the following have to be considered:
-          Is it worth continuing to hang onto what does not exist anymore? What is the price I’m paying?
-          Is it worth being chained to my negative emotions and attitudes? What is the price I’m paying?
-          Are my negative thoughts and attitudes costing me my health, happiness and my relationship with the people around me (Family or children)

Here is a quote about moving on by Steve Maraboli, speaker author and behavioral science academic: “The truth is, unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, unless you forgive the situation, unless you realise that situation is over, you cannot move forward”. This quote in itself wraps up all the points in moving on.

Sustaining a long term relationship or friendship is not water under a bridge but it can sure be solved and can attain positive feedback and response. It all depends on how people deal with issues and how they were raised, for instance; if their cultural, childhood and educational background determines their attitude. 


Main chick chronicle!!!

Yeah, I know…. Some of you are probably yawning swallowing whales and shaking heads. This is by far the most difficult subject I had to touch on in my life (Relationships), probably because I haven’t been in all sorts of relationships and I wouldn't know all about the ins, outs and breakthroughs.

There are a lot of relationships in this globe but I’m going to touch base on the major, the one we would always obviously want to hear about. I’m not going to turn myself into a professor, relationship expert or a theorist but I’m going to refer my summary based on my experiences, my circle and and…. Well lets get to this already lol.
First up, the most annoying, most talked about relationship, the “I’m the main chick” one. My word can somebody please further elaborate these “main chick” words to me, because clearly it seems like I've been living in another world (Not really, I just hate that title). The way I understand it (according to my ‘circle’) a main chick is someone that is introduced to the family and friends right? The one that is catered to financially, lives with the dude, more often than not;is seen with the guy publicly, everyone knows about her and is allowed to post on a guys Facebook page and be able to change relationship statuses right? Mhmmmmmm, Interesting!!!

Isn't it sick that the main chick has to go through all the trouble, the heartache and allllllll the drama to be able to maintain and keep the "main chick" title? I think its twisted really. I'm not not dissing on any girl that is self measured by that title, I'm just a concerned blogger that is trying to figure out what is it that is so fascinating about being put on the "hot spot". I'm trying here OK!! :v

"Main chicks" are easy to  piss off and are also easy to wipe off. The Main chick chronicle is so deep that the female spouse is automatically expected to forgive everything (the worst) a guy does. "Mani chicks" are probably the ones that increase the statistics on HIV/AIDS (JK) LOL!! But seriously though, I'm convinced that they are easy! 

I did mention Facebook pages and relationship statuses right? well... I believe a guy can still cheat despite all of that publicity a girl is showering all over social networks. In fact, it pushes all the other girls (thirsty home-wreckers) to need to WANT your guy boo, just to piss you off. I love how the main chick would do all that, while the guy isn't even replying but tapping other a$%e$ on the side. For those that co-operate on social sites with the main-chick, those are obviously the ones that found themselves the "I'm willing to play" type of girls. Life is a bishhhh huh? Hahahahaha

There would be things said by the main chick like "Hamba uzo buya" meaning "go, you'll come back" (excuse my direct translation). Who in the freakedell invented that quote?? So basically a women would rather standby and wait for the guy with open arms after they been trippin'around? Oh my word I cant even go on hahahaha I sound like a girl that has been through a lot. LOL

Stay in touch for more babies. Its gonna get more and more interesting!! 

Get in the mind of an aspiring feature journalist and feel completely free to voice your opinions on my Facebook or twitter page.



Tuesday 12 August 2014

Thrills Of A Bad Girl Look

Hey sweethearts 

If you're funky (Like me) you are going to look for a reason for people to talk about.  Booty shorts are seldom criticised in the hood because of all the thirsty men ouchea but for people that know easy wear style this is a verrrrrry cute look and and statement that will never go un noticed.  For all my glamour "wanna be bad girls" out there, this would be a perfect look for outdoor,windy weathers and chilled out days 'cause its easy and definatly looks like a girl next door.  Don't he afraid to experience a lil funky here and there. Fashion makes us function (I dont know what I'm saying but heyyyyy) LOL. 

Lets all stay fabulous, for the sake of our fashion god!!!

#WorstBehaviour #FreshLook #EasyWear #BadAss #Shorts #BooTYShorts #BootsAndTrash #CheckTop #Stalkings #Black'nGold 

XoXo ♡♥♡


Saturday 26 July 2014

Fitness Season

The perfect time to tone up, shape up, burn the fat. This summer is gonna be about great tight skin.

Go out there and get yourself a membership with any training facility near your hood and get started.

Great body's are made in Summer babyyyyyyyy



My return ♥♥♥

Hey boos

I havent been in here for quiet a while and Im hoping it changes in the long run. My blog was known for fashion reviews events and more or lesss current affairs, which I haven't beeen featuring a lot on this blog, but heyyyyy now that im back and sparkling more than everrrŕrr before I hope I keep up with all these social sites. Afterall Im a journo, I should know how to tackle each one of them.

Anywayyyy, happy new years guys, what do they call it? 20_4_me? Hahahaha it gets interesting each year huh? I hope everyone has been good and keeping it fashionable and informed.

You'll be hearing from me alot, keep it fresh and Adios Amigos

